CEIPES - International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development

CEIPES – International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development is a non-profit organisation founded in 2007 and based in Palermo, Italy. It leads a Network of more than 8 European and extra European associations focused on Education, Training and Social Development.

CEIPES has expertise on Education, Transfer of innovation and Project management in different European programmes tackling the Education and the capacity building of different target groups, from young people to adults, from women to unemployed, migrants and disadvantaged groups. It also promotes lifelong learning, vocational training and entrepreneurship with the aim of enhancing opportunities for youth and adults to improve and acquire competences and therefore boost their employability and inclusion.

CEIPES has several links with public and private local and international stakeholders that can contribute to the achievement of project results in terms of dissemination, exploitation and sustainability of them.

CEIPES can count on experienced staff composed of professionals with different competences and fields such as psychology, communication, training, international cooperation, social and cultural mediation, social assistance, ICT, digital manufacturing and law.

Alessia Di Francesca

Alessia Di Francesca

Jaqueline Rinaldi

Jaqueline Rinaldi